Many of us have taken a First Aid course before. First Aid training typically gives everyday people the knowledge and skills to respond to a medical emergency until more qualified help arrives. In the same way, First Aid for Mental Health teaches you how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. Not only does the training increase the amount and type of support provided to people in need – it also improves mental health in the participants as they develop core self-care and resilience competencies.
Everybody knows somebody who has experienced mental health difficulties. Hence, all of us need the personal competencies to offer first aid for mental health and wellbeing. What’s more, countries in Africa face limited resources and a severe shortage of mental health professionals. In order to bridge this gap, the development of an army of laypersons with core competencies to help someone with a mental health or substance use challenge is absolutely crucial.
Peer support provides an additional layer of support at all layers of healthcare, where people use their own experiences to help each other – by sharing basic knowledge, providing emotional support, creating opportunities for social interaction, offering simple and practical help, or engaging in advocacy and awareness raising.
mHub’s First Aid for Employee Mental Health training was designed for all people and organizations that make up a community – and we believe that a workplace meets the definition of a community. For the wellbeing of the community and the resilience of their businesses, leaders should be equipped with the knowledge and competencies essential to provide immediate assistance and care to a colleague experiencing a mental health problem in a way that empowers the employee, promotes recovery, prevents the condition from getting worse, and preserves life.
This training empowers managers to recognize and respond to staff experiencing emotional distress, builds interpersonal communication and active listening skills, fosters better understanding of how job stressors affect mental health and can be managed, and promotes a wellbeing culture in the workplace.